Sunday, 6 December 2009

Enlightenment by SpitWash

If it's enlightenment you seek
Renounce your every thought
For everything you think you know
Is something you've been taught

It is hand-me-down knowledge
Clear it from your mind
The man who knows how to think
Needs no teachers you will find

Now I know that many facts and figures
Inside your brain are piled
But the first rule of enlightenment
Is to become as child

To see the world through infant eyes
To open every door
To live fully through your senses
As you once did before

And when you can finally do this
The sun for you will dawn
You will be awakened
And feel you've been reborn

(c) Spitwash, 2009


  1. I love this, I really do.

    "To see the world through infant eyes
    To open every door
    To live fully through your senses
    As you once did before"

    I think that is my favourite part of the whole poem. Well done :)

  2. Totaly agree with RoyalOctopus i'm loving this to!


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